Change in plans …

After much delibration over a possible new addition to the transceiver fleet, I'm belaying that line of thought for now due to a more pressing issue: The clutch in my tractor.

The first estimate for replacing the clutch stands at $500. I'm going to check on a couple other shops tomorrow, but after pricing the parts myself, I suspect the price range is still going to be in the same range.

The kids have been screaming for a Nintendo Wii since last November, and I've used the excuse they're so hard to find as my out. They're still selling everyone they make, but they're available, and darn, those kids just don't forget this crap.

It's not like they don't have enough electronic junk to keep them busy. I'm resisting their demands for this game thingie, mostly because if I get it now they'll never leave the house. My son forgets to eat when he's wrapped up in that Nintendo DS of his. It's suddenly 9 p.m. and he's starving. Did he stop to eat? “No, why?” Sheesh! Hell, even I'll stop to eat in a contest!

So no new rig for me or them, but probably a new clutch for the tractor. That sounds fair to me.

Maybe its just my retro-active mode that I'm in, but I've been enjoying using my FT-757GX and working DX on 20, plus a list of stations tonight on 10. I heard some guys in Texas or Oklahoma working Scott, KQ8RP from his home in Ohio. I wanted to call them and get them to send Scott my official 10-meter “howdy,” but Comment on Kentucky was coming on and I didn't want to miss it.

It was great to find 10 meters open. The guys in Oklahoma said they were on the air last night until nearly midnight before the band gave out.

Six meters was open at the same time, so there was plenty to do — while I was watching TV. Sigh!

73 de KY4Z … dit dit