I'm sure that's what my wife will ask when she sees the next UPS box arrive at the front door. Yep, eBay again, Bunky!
I've been eBaying off nearly everything I could to get enough dough to buy a new Icom IC-7000, I had raised about $1300 but had run out of the bigger ticket things to sell. I've got an Alinco DX-70T that has a sticky T/R relay that would go well, or I could sell my beloved Icom 706 that I bought several years ago off eBay in one of those risky “selling-it-for-our-deceased-in-law” type of auctions. The sellers sold it without anything but the microphone, and didn't know if it worked. I got it worth the money, and it works like a champ. I added the narrow SSB filter to it, as the stock radio just didn't impress me on a busy band with big signals. Reminded me of how my old Yaesu FT-757GX used to sound — overloaded.
Anyway, I had hoped to go to Dayton and buy my IC-7000 but that didn't pan out either. I already own an IC-756PROIII, and I've used a 746PRO quite a bit at Field Day and other events, so I'm familiar with it.
There was one selling on eBay today for under $900 with 2 hours to go, and I couldn't resist going for it.
It runs 100 watts on 6 meters and 2 meters, and since its the PRO model there's no need to buy filters. I'm going to use it to replace my 706 for 6 meters, and I may use it more on 2 meters.
Right now my 2-meter rig is the Kenwood TS-711A and it's a dandy of a 2-meter all-mode. I wouldn't mind boxing that dude back up for a while. I would like to wind up with several radios installed in the main operating position that will stay on dedicated frequencies. For starters, the local repeater; then another radio to scan area repeaters and other frequencies, and finally a rig to stay on the EMA public service frequency.
I'm going to have to revamp my shack lineup (again) when the 746 arrives. It's wider than the spot I have available on the right of my PROIII and matching speaker. I might have to move the speaker to the other side, or swap the 746 and the TS-711A positions. Will I need the TS-711A still? I don't know. I paid more than $400 for that rig last year. It's in mint condition, and I could probably sell it for about that.
I've been wondering now if I sold the 706, the Alinco DX-70T and the TS-711, I could start to raise money to chase that IC-7K again. Let's see …. If the 706 sold for $400, the DX-70T for $400 (max) and the TS-711 for $300, that would put me back in the hunt for the 7000. Hmmmm…. Well, if the 746 arrives in as good of condition as stated, then I'll be putting some gear on eBay in the coming weeks.
Wish me luck! LOL!!