Monday, June 15, 2020
I had to locate the proper thread screw to replace the missing power supply set screw on the back of my Samlex 1223 23A power supply. I couldn’t attach both cables from my MFJ 12VDC distribution strip without the second set screw. My son had to run to town, and he dropped by the hardware store and found the right thread screw.
ICOM IC-756PROII. I had moved my two Icoms upstairs to Studio C a couple of days ago — my IC-756PRO and my PROII. I threw the DPDT knife switch here in the library before I went upstairs, then used the antenna analyzer and determined the tuner settings on my Heathkit SA-2060. The first rig active from Studio C was the IC-756PROII.
I had forgotten what a sweet rig the PROII is to operate. After listening to it, I really began to question if I want to part with it right now …. maybe I should look closer at buying another Icom that a second Yaesu FT-2000.
I have the Yaesu FTDX-3000; its a decent rig. But what I don’t like is that I can’t leave the spectrum scope running all the time because you have to pull up other screens to turn the keyer off and on, etc. The IC-756PROII keeps the spectrum scope visible while also giving you the ability to make changes and turn things off and on.
After using the PROII today, I’m leaning more toward selling the FTDX-3000 and keeping the old PROII.
I have other rigs to check out, but I need to buy or make some coax jumpers. I have to take a dummy load upstairs and wattmeter to check the gear out properly.
That’s enough for tonight; tomorrow is a busy day for me, not much time for ham radio. Wednesday afternoon may be better.
HW-16 PARTS. I saw someone selling a set of tubes for an HW-16, and I may take my HW-16 upstairs and see if I can find out why it quit transmitting. I’m not convinced its a tube, but I’m not convinced its a bad component. I’m not sure I’m just not overlooking something obvious.
I run the rig with the HG-10B VFO, and I can spot with the VFO; its putting out a carrier on frequency, so I’m pretty sure the VFO is working OK. Well, time will tell what the issue is. Fortunately, the Heathkit manual includes voltages to help you in your troubleshooting efforts.
73 es CUL de KY4Z …. SK SK … (dit dit) ….