Sprint fever prompts ham to lose their operating courtesy

Sunday, Feb. 6, 2022

As is a common occurrence during any regular CW contest, CW traffic nets end up fighting for a frequency that will allow them the time they need to conduct a net. And that describes last night’s session of the Georgia CW traffic net.

I assume it was the North American CW Sprint that was underway. The band was stuffed with “CQ TESTs.” I was operating my Kenwood TS-520S with the MFJ-0x0x “Kinda-Sorta-Quieter-Downer” audio filtering watchamacallit box.

Under last night’s circumstances, I’m not sure there’s an audio filter scheme under the sun that would have worked effectively, though my Datong FL-2 or FL-3 probably would have done a superior job.

My MFJ “Kinda-Sorta-Quieter-Downer” works to limit QRM … kinda.

The MFJ “Kinda-Sorta-Quieter-Downer” seems to attenuate every damn signal you’re trying to copy and amplify those you don’t. As you’ll find in the units eHam.net reviews, the instructions are basically useless. You are far better off to experiment and find settings that work.

The unit (actually known as the MFJ-752B) has been useful under normal operating conditions to limit nearby QRM. But last night we had a pair of stations park right on top of our CW traffic net, what sounded like a few dozen Hertz away from our net. Those guys were pounding in at 10 and 20-over S9, so it required using the old “Brain Filter” to copy the traffic net and listen for my callsign.

After I checked out of the net, I fired up my RS-918 QRP rig. What an amazing difference 40 years makes in technology! With the RS-918’s fantastic DSP, I easily isolated the net signals from the two high-powered goons on top of us.

As much as I hate to say this, I’m very tempted to clear my operating position in Studio C …. box up the Kenwood TS-530S, the TS-520S, the VFO-520, and move them off the desk. I’m also ready to move the Tempo 2020 station off the desk. I would like to put my IC-756PROII and my Yaesu FTDX-3000 back on the desk, or maybe even my FT-2000. I love that radio still. I’ve still trying to figure out a way to increase the CW selectivity on the TS-520S. Perhaps my best bet would be to liquidate the rig and VFO, the TS-520SE that won’t transmit, and the TS-530S. Don’t know what I would use the money for, but there’s probably something out there I could.

As much as I hate to say this, I’m very tempted to clear my operating position in Studio C …. box up the Kenwood TS-530S, the TS-520S, the VFO-520, and move them off the desk. I’m also ready to move the Tempo 2020 station off the desk. I would like to put my IC-756PROII and my Yaesu FTDX-3000 back on the desk, or maybe even my FT-2000. I love that radio still. I’ve still trying to figure out a way to increase the CW selectivity on the TS-520S. Perhaps my best bet would be to liquidate the rig and VFO, the TS-520SE that won’t transmit, and the TS-530S. Don’t know what I would use the money for, but there’s probably something out there I could.

100 Amp Chinese QRP amplifier

QRP AMPLIFIER. After watching some reviews, I pulled the trigger — i bought a Chinese 100 watt QRP amplifier to use with my RS-918. It won’t arrive for several weeks, but that’s OK. I’ve used the RS-918 at full power (15w) to check in on the traffic net, and with the amp, I’ll get to do so on crowded evenings too. A review will be forthcoming.

I think I’ll start shooting some videos of my rigs in preparation of selling them. The VFO 820 I bought cheap is only partly working. Its like some contacts inside are dirty, making the VFO very jumpy to tune. But I think I can unload the TS-520S, TS-520SE and TS-530. I would like to operate my Hallicrafters SR-400 station a while too.

Well, enough for now.

73 es CUL …. de KY4Z …. SK … SK …. (dit dit)….