Sunday night, June 27, 2022
My 2022 Field Day plans — which were pretty much messed up by the late delivery from DX Engineering — went more haywire than anticipated on Saturday.
For starters, my main activity for Saturday was to take my 1956 Plymouth Belevedere to our local car cruise. The day was hot but blistering hot — despite my best efforts to stay cool, I still felt cooked by the mid-afternoon. The heat just drained all my energy, and by 4 p.m., the most important thing I wanted to get the Plymouth in the garage and my butt inside the A/C.
I came in and took a nap for a couple of hours, and felt better for it. But I had little interest in operating Field Day. I didn’t even make it up to the shack to check conditions.
I was seriously disappointed that DX Engineering’s order was delayed, as I really was looking forward to operating digitial. The shipment of stuff should arrive today, so perhaps I’ll have time to mess with it Monday night.
LESSON LEARNED HERE? Yes! For starters, I need to keep my Signalink USB interfaces, cables, and related stuff together in a single zip lock bag so I don’t lose the pieces and parts again. The secondary lesson is to understand I can’t take the heat like I did in my youth!
73 es CUL …. de KY4Z …. SK …. SK …. (dit dit) ….